Practitioner Mai k

Mai k

Holistic Health Consultant and Parenting Coach and Family and Marriage Counselor [11] Experience Egypt

*School Counselor. *Holistic Health Co­­­nsultant/Homeopathi­c­ ­Practitioner. *Inte­rn­at­ional member of­ La­kel­and College o­f Ho­meop­athy (UK). *International Life­­­ CoachFamilyandMarri­a­g­e Counselor -Treat­s ­wi­th NLPTime Lin­e T­her­apyHypnosis­CBT­EFT­and Reiki(E­nergy­ Heal­ing by Ha­nds) a­nd Emo­tion Co­de tech­nique t­o rel­ease the­ negativ­e t­rapped em­otions.  *Tutor of Homeopath­­­y in co-operation w­i­t­h Lakeland colleg­e ­of­ Homeopathy Cairo Egypt.     ­­­     *Works as an Altern­­­ative Medicine Spec­i­a­list and Counselor in several p­ri­va­te clinics and Hospitals. *Is experienced in ­­­dealing with childr­e­n­teensparentste­ac­he­rsand children­ wi­th ­special needs­  (A­utis­mADHDand ­learn­ing d­isabiliti­es) *Attended a Homeopa­­­thic seminar by Dr.­ ­D­inesh Chauhan on ­ca­se­ witnessing adu­lts­ch­ildrenand no­n ve­rbal­ children (­ADHD­Autis­ticDysle­xicec­t. ) a­nd expl­oring F­ear/Dre­am/Dr­awing in­ childre­n. ­And irrev­ersible p­a­thology/ac­ute healin­­g case or ­psychiatr­y.­  *Guest speaker in m­­­any inner wheel and­ ­r­otary events. *Deliver parenting and general health workshops and webinars.

Languages Icon


English, Arabic

Areas of Expertise Icon

Areas of Expertise

Body wellness, Child's life, Family life, Love life, Personal Life, Unwanted behaviours & disorders, Work life

Therapy & Counselling

Therapy & Counselling

Couples Therapy and Pre-Marital Counselling, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Positive Psychology, Relational Therapy

Coaching & Healing

Coaching & Healing

Life Coaching, Love & Relationship Coaching, Pranic Healing

My Approach

My Approach
Video Language 
To watch the video in Arabic, change the website language

Challenges Mai k can help with

Night sweats
Hot flashes
Heavy or irregular periods
Mood struggles
Brain fog
Loss of concentration
Thyroid issues
Lack of libido
Constant fatigue
Stubborn weight loss
Stubborn weight gain
Belly fat
Bloating / Gas
Joint pain/arthritis
Hair loss
Brittle nails
Dull skin
Dark under eye circles
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Chronic headaches
Insomnia/erratic sleep
Postpartum Depression
Coping with grief & loss
Parenting advice
Child & teen counselling
Child fear & anxiety
Bullying or being bullied
Unwanted behaviors & Disorders
Child/teen coping with life changes
Child/teen relationship issues
Child developmental / learning delays & challenges
Teen Self-image / Confidence issues
Parental abuse / Domestic Violence
Postpartum Depression
Parenting advice
Coping with grief & loss
Overcoming codependency
Improve communication
Resolving conflict & disagreements
Improve communication
Resolving conflict & disagreements
Coping with grief & loss
Renewing love/spark
Single: finding love
Dealing with divorce / break-up
Relationship advice & Counseling
Prenatal/postnatal marriage counselling
Trauma / PTSD
Anxiety / Panic attacks
Self-love issues
Body Image Issues
Overcoming codependency
Overcoming hopelessness
Coping with grief and loss
Coping with life changes
Lack of purpose / Sense of Meaning
Eating Disorders
Mood disorders
Trouble concentrating
Anger Management
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Sleeping disorders
Social anxiety disorders
Lack of motivation
Workplace conflicts
Career change / Transition
Executive coaching
Lack of confidence

What Specialist Offers

Regular Session
Regular Session
AED 370 Per Session
AED 370