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Rapid transformational Therapist and NLP life coach 3 - 5 years Experience Jordan

Hi! Im Rania. I am a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and an accredited life coach. RTT is a unique therapy method that combines the most effective techniques from NLP Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. It can transform lives powerfully and permanently in just a few sessions. I work with both adults and teenagers on resolving many issues including but not limited to anxiety depression phobias confidence self esteem weight issues eating disorders addictions and quitting smoking. My background in NLP and RTT has equipped me with a set of tools that allows me to create a holistic approach to cater to my clients needs. As a mother to three lovely daughters I have also been able to connect with and help many parents remove obstacles in the way of having a healthy relationship with their children. My mission is to help my clients thrive across different areas of their lives and to guide them on their journey of self-discovery and self-healing to enjoy powerful long-lasting changes.

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Health and transformational life coach 10+ years Experience Lebanon

Hi! Im Lulu. I am an Intuitive self image health and wellbeing coach. I help my clients on their of weight loss and coping with autoimmune diseases through functional and holistic ways that help them become the best version of themselves. My approach includes life-changing tools such as essential oils energy psychology medicine as well as healing through the use of color and expression which can help get to the root cause of the problem. My passion for health and healing goes back to my childhood when I was misdiagnosed with migraine and gastrointestinal issues. My mother too who was diagnosed with breast cancer was told that she had a low chance of recovering even though she was fortunate enough to. It was by integrating functional holistic approach and natural alternative medicine that I was finally able to uncover the root cause of my health issues. Astounded by the human body I started learning all about emotional healing food sensitivities and prominent health and wellness discoveries in the field of integrative health from some of the best medical researchers. As a result I have introduced essential oils energy medicine and life changing tools to my approach. Moreover my approach to therapy largely involves helping my clients deal with trauma through healing with the use of color and expressions. As a health coach I focus on the client as a whole and not just on the symptoms of an illness.

Hakkini free discovery session Free 20-minute discovery session Next Available: 24 Oct, 7:00 AM

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Classical Homeopath and Holistic counselor 3 - 5 years Experience Jordan

My name is Suhaila Ghezawi my mother is American and my father is Jordanian I lived most my life here in Jordan and feel I was blessed to have this privilege. I am a classical homeopath and holistic counselor I hadnt always been in this field of work which makes it even dearer to my heart because of the clarity I had when adventuring into this world. I am a mother of three children two girls and a boy who have been my greatest teachers. I do not believe in labels or cut and dry definitions we are all unique individuals with different upbringings and conditioning and have different perspectives in life and these must be taken into consideration in each individual case and not be judged for them. I believe if each individual is given the space to connect to their true authentic self they will always see the answer my job is to help guide them there.

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Holistic Health Consultant and Parenting Coach and Family and Marriage Counselor [11] Experience Egypt

*School Counselor. *Holistic Health Co­­­nsultant/Homeopathi­c­ ­Practitioner. *Inte­rn­at­ional member of­ La­kel­and College o­f Ho­meop­athy (UK). *International Life­­­ CoachFamilyandMarri­a­g­e Counselor -Treat­s ­wi­th NLPTime Lin­e T­her­apyHypnosis­CBT­EFT­and Reiki(E­nergy­ Heal­ing by Ha­nds) a­nd Emo­tion Co­de tech­nique t­o rel­ease the­ negativ­e t­rapped em­otions.  *Tutor of Homeopath­­­y in co-operation w­i­t­h Lakeland colleg­e ­of­ Homeopathy Cairo Egypt.     ­­­     *Works as an Altern­­­ative Medicine Spec­i­a­list and Counselor in several p­ri­va­te clinics and Hospitals. *Is experienced in ­­­dealing with childr­e­n­teensparentste­ac­he­rsand children­ wi­th ­special needs­  (A­utis­mADHDand ­learn­ing d­isabiliti­es) *Attended a Homeopa­­­thic seminar by Dr.­ ­D­inesh Chauhan on ­ca­se­ witnessing adu­lts­ch­ildrenand no­n ve­rbal­ children (­ADHD­Autis­ticDysle­xicec­t. ) a­nd expl­oring F­ear/Dre­am/Dr­awing in­ childre­n. ­And irrev­ersible p­a­thology/ac­ute healin­­g case or ­psychiatr­y.­  *Guest speaker in m­­­any inner wheel and­ ­r­otary events. *Deliver parenting and general health workshops and webinars.

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Clinical Psychologist 10+ years Experience United Arab Emirates

Hi! Im Nazanin. I am a licensed clinical psychologist with 15 years of experience in treating a wide range of mental health challenges such as depression anxiety mood disorders eating disorders brain injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as in clinical neuropsychology. I use Cognitive Behavior Therapy as my main approach to treatment. I have extensive experience in trauma counseling including critical incident stress debriefing following a traumatic incident. Alongside clinical disorders I also help in the more day-to-day stress-related issues that require relationship counseling stress management life coaching and career counseling.

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Registered Holistic Nutritionist 3 - 5 years Experience Canada

Hi I'm Farnaz and I'm a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and coach specialized in guiding and helping busy individuals through their healing journey physically mentally emotionally as well as spiritually. I help my clients achieve their ultimate health goals by providing them with a comprehensive customized easy to follow whole-food meal plans lifestyle tips (meditation stress relief methods and exercises) as well as supplemental plans. My approach predominantly is tailored to each individual's need by educating and empowering them to gain control of their lives. I dont believe in diets or quick fixes. I am passionate about helping and enlightening people in understanding the significance of a healthy lifestyle healthy mind and body. My journey to leading a holistic lifestyle truly began when my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It was the most difficult experience I have encountered and a great shock. However in return this experience enlightened me and led me to my new journey to help others. As a mother of two children I thrive to help individuals that like myself sometimes forget to focus on their own health. ​

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Counselor Psychotherapist. Certified Systemic Coach. [11] Experience Egypt

Hi my name is Souhair. I am a psychotherapist, systemic coach, emotional intelligence practitioner and life coach. I have over 13 years experience in the space of human empowerment and therapy. I believe in Carl Yungs quote: “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will control your life and you will call it fate.” I follow an integrated psycho-spiritual-systemic approach which is rooted in the psychodynamic interpersonal and holistic schools of psychotherapy. I focus on the adverse role of intergenerational/systemic patterns clients have carried from their family systems; which in turn have been affecting their lives deeply. This approach allows me to uncover the root causes of clients complaints including symptoms and behaviors that manifest on the surface such as depression anxiety anger and more. I help clients uncover and heal inner child deep wounds limiting belief systems and traumas. I create a compassionate accepting and respectful environment in sessions while challenging clients to step out of their comfort zones to achieve positive change / growth. Prior to working in human empowerment I worked for 9 years as a marketing professional in Jordan.

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Mental and Emotional Fittness Coach 10+ years Experience Jordan

Hi Im Huda Murad I am certified Emotional Intelligence Coach NLP Practitioner Rapid Transformational Therapist and a Grief Movement Yoga Guide with over 15 years of experience. I help my clients overcome anxiety depression phobias bullying obesity negative thinking obsessive compulsive behaviors relationships grief and more by selecting the suitable tool and the modality that resonates with the client from cognitive talk to deep meditation to aroma touch techniques. My approach is to be fully present with the client providing unconditional empathetic ear. I use various tools such as cognitive talk regress to the root cause while being in deep meditative state applying aroma touch technique using pure essential oils personalized audio recording to listen to over 21 days and using yoga movement to move stagnant emotions. I am passionate about supporting clients move towards their desired outcomes be well feel well think well and be able to see and feel their choices. To walk the client towards better version of themselves. I am a mom a wife a daughter a friend and more. My journey in life has been challenging to which I am grateful for to become who I am.

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